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Does gemstones really work?

How Does gemstones work?

Whenever we go to any astrologer they prescribe us certain gemstones but we always encounter with a question in our mind that how these stones are going to impact our lives or how will these gemstones balance our unfavorable planetary positions.

Today, I will tell you how gemstone works and how they impact your life.  Gemstones are not directly meant for materialistic gains such as business, marriage or any other problems. But still they have a major impact on our body which leads us to get some results indirectly.

Human body is made of five elements and seven major chakras which creates our Aura. We cannot see our Aura with the naked eyes but it is believed that it’s made with multiple colors. When our aura is imbalanced (Lack of certain colors) we say it as negativity and when our aura is balanced then we term it as positivity.  

Now here comes the role of gemstones. These Gemstones carries certain attributes which strengthen your weaknesses in your body. That is the reason it’s always said that gemstone should always touch your body. By wearing specific gemstone you balance your aura which ultimately helps you gain specific results in the life.

Another aspect of using gemstones in astrology is as as per the positioning of  7 major planets and 2 shadow planets in our birth chart. Again each planet has it’s own attributes and leaves a major impact on our life. To balance the negative impact of these planets we use gemstones in our life.

There are major 9 gemstones categorized into precious gemstones & semi precious gemstones.

Precious Gemstones

  •        Yellow Sapphire
  •        Blue Sappphire
  •        Ruby
  •        Diamond
  •        Emerald

Semi Precious Gemstones

  •        Red Coral
  •        Pearl
  •        Cat’s Eye
  •        Hessonite

People who are advised to wear gemstones should take one thing into consideration that the gemstones should be pure and certified as there are many sellers selling low quality gemstones just to make money out of it but it actually does not give you proper results.

In case you want to test whether the prescribed gemstone will work for you or not, you can use clothes of the associated color of the planet. You will surely get to know about the results.  Also it is always prescribed to consult an astrologer before wearing a gemstone as unfavorable gemstone can create negative impact in life. So always be cautious and take decisions wisely.